Beyond the city limits: Platform livelihood in rural Indonesia
Learn MoreABOUT US
RISE is established as a research, training and consulting institution, focusing on financial inclusion of the underserved—the poor, women, and youth. RISE conducts research on mapping, assessment, product development, and is involved in national level financial inclusion research. RISE research efforts have contributed to the work of international NGOs, government agencies, and international research organizations. RISE also provides training and training of trainers for development agencies and microfinance institutions.
With its in-depth experience, RISE has gained rich understanding on the demographic and geographic challenges of reaching the underserved, as well as their financial and digital profile. This understanding includes a deep insight into the demand side and requirements of the underserved for financial products and services, including digital financial services.
In conducting its research, RISE distinguishes itself by its ability to reach the underserved in both urban and remote rural areas. This experience encompasses various regions of Indonesia, including Eastern Indonesia, with its specific logistical challenges. The experience enables RISE to understand operational barriers, as well as social and cultural hindrances that potentially challenge the effort of reaching the poor.
Beyond the city limits: Platform livelihood in rural Indonesia

How Digital Wallet Training Programs are Empowering Entrepreneurs in Padarincang
Beyond the city limits: Platform livelihood in rural Indonesia
DNKI Coordination Meeting 2024
Evaluasi Program Kerja Dewan Nasional Keuangan Inklusif 2023
Happy New Year 2024
Penandatanganan Kesepakatan Kerjasama RISE Indonesia dan BRIN