Demand Survey of Financing for Strenthening Earthquake Resistant Houses

ADRA Indonesia supported by RISE Indonesia conducted a study on the Demand of Financing for Strengthening Earthquake Resistant Houses on the Lembang Fault communities in West Bandung District (Kabupaten Bandung Barat or KBB). A total of 74 respondents of community members, leaders, public services, financial institutions, related agencies and local governments, participated in the research.

The study aims to see the awareness of the local community about the potential of the Lembang Fault earthquake as well as provide insight of demand of financing for earthquake resistant housing renovation. The results of the study showed that 97% of respondents know about the potential risk of earthquake in their village and 97% needing earthquake resistant houses but half of them felt that having an earthquake resistant house was expensive. A total of 87% of respondents were interested in accessing loan for the renovation of earthquake-resistant houses.

Following up on the study results, the Secretariat of the National Council for Inclusive Finance has supported a coordination meeting and the dissemination of the study results on February 29, 2024 in Bandung. The event, led by the Assistant Deputy for Inclusive Finance and Sharia Finance Erdiriyo, was attended by representatives of the West Java Regional 2 Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK), the Head of the West Java Provincial Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Head of the KBB Housing and Settlement Area Office (PERKIM), as well as representatives from the KBB BPBD, the KBB Village Community Empowerment Office (DPMD), Head of Cisarua and Lembang Sub-districts, Head of Langensari and Jambudipa Villages. Also present were representatives of financial institutions namely the representative of Directors of BJB and PNM, and from educational institution the Chairman of the Advent Indonesia University Foundation. The event was closed with an agreement to immediate program to strengthen 30 sample earthquake resistant housing, ferrocement training for builders in 4 villages and available financial scheme in financial institutions.